Assorted Stupidity #26

WikiLeaks said today it has "commenced pre-litigation action" against the Guardian newspaper and a German citizen for negligently disclosing decryption passwords WikiLeaks gave the Guardian. In other words, it is about to sue somebody for leaking secret information. Based on…

San Francisco Manages to Spend $700K for a Wheelchair Ramp

I couldn't be more in favor of full access for the handicapped – just suggesting that the cost of building a ramp should be something less than $700,000. The San Francisco Chronicle reported yesterday that a 10-foot ramp being installed in…

Dismissal of “Bad Mothering” Lawsuit Affirmed

Ladies and gentlemen, over the years we have seen some horrifying examples of man's inhumanity to man. Also man's inhumanity to woman, woman's inhumanity to man, and woman's inhumanity to woman, plus at least some examples of man's inhumanity to…

Joe Francis Arrested Yet Again

You know, I'm starting to think that Joe Francis has no respect for either women or the law. Francis, the creator of Girls Gone Wild, or as Gawker.com once described him, the "alleged arm-twisting sexual aggressor and loathsome Girls Gone…

BREAKING: Libyan Rebels Have Seized Qaddafi’s Hat

Muammar Qaddafi himself is still on the loose, but it seems clear that he has lost his grip on power now that some joker is running around wearing his special hat:   The reporter (on the left, in the helmet)…