Label Puzzler: Original Recipe AND New Flavor?

The Consumerist is concerned that reading this label might trap a consumer's mind in an infinite logic loop (those who have had trouble with other labels are urged to look away), and/or that a consumer opening the box might find…

In Defense of Monkey Copyright [Updated]

Thanks for your responses to my question about who if anyone owns the legal rights to a monkey photographer's work. The responses varied, although none were too favorable to the monkey. Here are some thoughts, with the disclaimer that I'm…

Battle Over Monkey Photos Begins

When I wrote last week about the legal issues raised by picture-taking monkeys, I was about to email the agency that appeared to be claiming rights in those photos to ask for comment, but held off because I suspected its…

Here’s Just How Dysfunctional Our Government Really Is

You've probably heard something about how the country is trillions in debt, and that because we can't control the deficit we need to raise the national debt limit again so the government can legally borrow more money. Now it looks…

Assorted Stupidity #22

Colorado now proposing to regulate doll diversity, number of blocks per child and the proper manner of labeling and application of sunscreen at child-care centers in that state. Puppetry authorized but not mandated. Merry-go-rounds and, terrifyingly, "sea saws" are prohibited. Also, "googly…

Your Head + Lincoln’s Body = Instant Credibility

Sure, you could spend years actually developing a reputation for trustworthiness and plain-spoken honesty, or you could just Photoshop your head onto the body of somebody who’s already done that. This lawyer in the Philadelphia area has chosen the more…

Plan to Reel in Extortion Money Fails

An elaborate and yet also stupid scheme to extort money from a potato-chip bakery in Ohio failed this week when police were able to track the payoff money to a suspect after dropping it off as instructed. Their strategy: watch…