Tricky Dick: The Musical [Updated]

The Wall Street Journal's Law Blog reports that students at Duke Law School have written and produced a musical about a young Richard Nixon, who graduated (third in his class!) from Duke in 1937 and quickly became its least favorite…

Assorted Stupidity #15

The Speaker of the Florida House has chastised Rep. Scott Randolph (D-Orlando) for using the word "uterus" in a floor debate. Claiming Republicans are only opposed to regulation if it involves business, not social issues like abortion, Randolph suggested that…

President Receives Transparency Award in Closed Meeting

Not an April Fools’ prank. Seriously. According to Politico and the Washington Post, a couple of weeks ago President Obama was scheduled to receive an award from the organizers of the Freedom of Information Day Conference, to be presented at the White…

A Brief Research Memo Concerning a Simulated Chicken Head

Question Presented Did the judge correctly rule that an employee was entitled to workers' compensation because the work-related events she experienced were the "predominant contributing cause of [her emotional] disability"? The Facts Mr. Grillo agreed to provide [medical] insurance [only]…

Teeth Are Not “Dangerous Weapons,” Says Oregon Court

Oregon has joined those jurisdictions holding that teeth are not "dangerous weapons" for purposes of a statute that enhances punishment for crimes in which they are employed. The defendant had employed said teeth Mike-Tyson-style to detach part of his neighbor's…

Woman Sues Adidas After Fall She Blames on Sticky Shoes

Please be advised that certain new shoes may pose a tripping hazard, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday against Adidas. The Chicago Sun-Times reports (via the ABA Journal) that a woman is alleging she was injured in 2010 because her…

Please, Lord, Let Joe Francis Represent Himself at Trial

If I remember correctly, Joe Francis, the "brains" behind "Girls Gone Wild" and sleazemaster extraordinaire, has been mentioned here before. <Google search> "Girls Gone Wild" Founder Says Judge Has Gone Wild in Suit Filed by Girls Who Had Previously Gone…