Good Reason to Kill #13: Disputed Your Cow-Milking Experience

"An apparent dispute over cow milking methodology in Fort Pierce escalated into a foot chase with a machete, sending a 61-year-old man to jail, according to recently released records," begins this report from wptv.com in Florida. As so often happens…

Man Loses Cockfight

This is what you might call "payback," although in California people tend to call it "karma." A California man attending a cockfight in Tulare County died on January 30 after one of the birds stabbed him in the leg. The birds apparently are…

Video: Grandma Defeats Six Crooks With Handbag

This is fantastic.   At first she seems to have thought it was a fight, and headed over to break it up or at least get a closer look. But “[w]hen I got closer to them I realised it was…

Alan Simpson on the Deficit: “Give Them the Green Weenie”

Alan Simpson, who was a senator from Wyoming and more recently a co-chair of the president's deficit commission (don't remember that? Neither does anybody in Washington) is renowned for his "colorful language." He reinforced that reputation recently by saying this…

Sarah PalinTM Having Trouble With Registration

I suppose it should not be surprising that Sarah Palin has filed an application to register her name as a trademark. But having learned that, it is not at all surprising that the application was rejected because she forgot to…

Man Points Finger at Brain in Parking-Rage Incident

A British man who attacked a car with an axe and then set fire to it blamed his brain for the incident, according to a January 27 report in the Herald Express. The brain's alleged involvement was especially surprising because the…