Police Shoot Photographer With Rubber Bullet, Just For Fun

Today Boing Boing asks the question, "Is it legal for police to shoot photographers in a public place simply because they do not want to be photographed?" Well, no. No it is not. That includes Oakland. This video, taken by the shootee,…

Mimes Deployed

TIME reports that several South American countries have deployed hundreds of mimes, like these two in Caracas, in an effort to shame drivers into obeying traffic rules. "Any infraction," the report says, "leads to frantic miming." Photo: Ariana Cubillos/AP Try…

Assorted Stupidity #30

Not since this guy faked his own kidnapping has there been a girlfriend-deceiving scheme this dumb. If your poorly scheduled "Craigslist date" knocks on the door at 3 a.m., calling 911 to report her as a "burglar" is a bad option….

Let’s All Sue Kim Kardashian

Rob Delaney, a very funny comedian who you should be following on Twitter if you do that kind of thing, is threatening to sue Kim Kardashian and her husband what's-his-name for ending their "marriage" after only 72 days: I wish…

How Not to Respond to an Allegation

This way: [Herman Cain] was then asked, “Have you ever been accused, sir, in your life of harassment by a woman?” He breathed audibly, glared at the reporter and stayed silent for several seconds. After the question was repeated three times, he…

Unhappy Halloween, Firm That Mocked Homeless People

If you have been thinking that the public's general impression of lawyers is way too high, and would like to bring it down a few notches, here's an idea: for Halloween, dress up as some of the people you helped…

Egyptians March in Support of Oppressed People of Oakland

Wait, what? Okay, Oakland sucks, but at least they aren't cracking people's skulls over there like they did in Egypt. They did what now? Okay, granted, but at least that was an accident. In Egypt the government would deliberately kill…