A Pistol in the Pants Can Lead to Trouble

Doesn't seem like much good could ever come of this, really. Ask Plaxico Burress, or this guy. Bonus points: he was hunting possums. Bonus quote: Mountain Safety Council chief executive Darryl Carpenter said people shot themselves accidentally "surprisingly very little."…

Cupcake Batterer Charged with Domestic Violence

I'm concerned that this sort of thing will become rampant in Topeka now that misdemeanor domestic battery is legal there, although on second thought, it's really not something to be concerned about. Although it is a waste of good cupcakes….

Gaga Defeats Goo Goo

A court in London has issued an injunction against the Moshi Monsters website and its parent company, Mind Candy, which prevents defendants from releasing a single purporting to be performed by Lady Goo Goo, a cartoon character that some seem…

Escape Unpleasant Assignments With This Office Ejection Seat

What better item for a law-firm associate's office than this office chair made from the ejection seat of a Royal Navy bomber? Perfect for those occasions when you already have more work than you can handle, it's late Friday afternoon, and…

Kansas Budget Battle Says “OK!” to Domestic Violence

That's a slight exaggeration, depending on who you ask. According to this report (also this one), no one is currently being prosecuted for misdemeanor acts of domestic violence committed in Topeka, Kansas, because of a dispute between the city and county…

They Made Apollo 11 Go Through Customs

Departure from:   MOON Arrival at:             HONOLULU, HAWAII, U.S.A. Flight No.:            APOLLO 11 Cargo:                  MOON ROCK AND MOON DUST SAMPLES Nothing else to declare, I guess. Except that they had just Walked on the F*#%ing Moon! Probably…

How Do You Plead? Yadda Yadda Yadda.

Please remember, even if it's only traffic court, you should at least appear to be taking things seriously. The Queensland Times reported recently that a 27-year-old woman irked a local magistrate with her response to his questions about her driving offense. Asked…