Yaskout Yaskout Col. Sanders

That the world is chock full of dumbasses of every creed is proven not only by the few who made the ridiculous and offensive Innocence of Muhammad video but also by the many who seem to blame every single American and/or Christian…

“One Oddity of the Current Legal Situation”

One oddity of the current legal situation remains that the U.S. government needs some kind of court-approved warrant to intentionally eavesdrop on the telephone or e-mail of a U.S. citizen suspected of involvement with al Qaeda, like Anwar al-Awlaki. However,…

Second Man Beaten With Own Leg by Leg-Wielding Girlfriend

"I have never heard of someone beating someone with a prosthetic leg," said Kristy Harnish, a resident of Baker, Florida, after being asked by a reporter whether she had ever heard of that. That means she either doesn't read this…

UPDATE: US Air Bomb Hoax Proves Even Stupider Than Imagined

Yesterday I pointed out that there was lots of stupidity all around in connection with the fake bomb threat in Philadelphia, but as several readers have just pointed out to me, it turns out I probably underestimated the stupidity level….