Sherman Hemsley Still on Ice Due to Will Contest

As I'm sure you all know, Sherman Hemsley, beloved actor best known (and Emmy-nominated) for playing George Jefferson for 12 years, passed away in July. As you may or may not know, he is still in a freezer in El…

Assorted Stupidity #43

In June, a woman in Aspen, Colorado, was acquitted after a 90-minute trial of charges that she failed to pick up after her dog. A county ranger cited Marion Lansburgh for the fecal infraction in March, but she argued that…

Twiggs County Land-Grab Update

Still no ruling in the lawsuit by the guy claiming he owns 400 acres of land in Twiggs County, Georgia, despite apparently having zero evidence to prove that. According to this more recent local report, the residents whose homes are…

“Your Honor, First of All, I’m Not Smoking Crack”

This is something you'd really prefer to get through your entire legal career without having to say. From a report today in Ars Technica: SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA—Testimony in the giant Apple v. Samsung patent trial is entering its final hours, and nerves…