We … remind the parties that our Handbook of Practice and Internal Procedures states that "parties are strongly urged to limit the use of acronyms" and "should avoid using acronyms that are not widely known." Brief-writing, no less than "written English, is…

Ambulance Chase Declared Big Success

This year's Ambulance Chase 5k is already over, but put it on your calendars for next Memorial Day weekend if you are in the northern Virginia area. Proceeds from the race, during which runners actually do chase an ambulance, go…

“Let My People Go!”

I don't think the reference to Exodus here is really on point, but I'm willing to cut this guy a fair amount of slack. Reportedly, what he's yelling about (and he is yelling, so watch the volume if you're at work)…

Assorted Stupidity #39

There are a number of reasons why lawyers might withdraw from a case other than a belief that the case is completely bogus, but by the time your ninth set of lawyers asks to withdraw it might be time to reevaluate,…

Joe Francis Is Following Me [Updated]

Normally that phrase is being uttered in a panicked whisper during a 911 call, or possibly as part of a desperate, high-pitched shriek, but luckily here it only refers to Twitter: This is a little puzzling since Joe and I…