It’s Not the Droids We’re Looking For, Actually

Obiwan Kenobi, who it seems ended up retiring to Roseville, California, was arrested on Saturday after an investigation pointed to him as the alleged culprit in a hit-and-run. Kenobi fled the scene, presumably leaving behind only an empty robe that officers…

If a Tree Falls in the Forest ….

… and there's no one there to hear it, does it make a sound? Is a stupid question, because of course it makes a sound, Einstein. That observer-dependent bullshit only works at the quantum level. Hello! It's a tree, not…

Unpowered Superheroes in the News [Updated]

Law novelist and former prosecutor Allison Leotta went to the Washington Romance Writers retreat last weekend. I also considered going, not because I like that genre but because I figured I might well be the only male human there. Another…

Potential Terrorist Baby Still at Large

Well, I have good news and bad news. Artist's impression The bad news is that the TSA was unable to prevent a baby from bypassing a security checkpoint at Newark International Airport on Friday, and did not notify airport police of…

Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney: the Musical

Of course you've played "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney," the most exciting lawyer video game ever. And you've also seen the movie: But have you seen the musical version? Specifically, have you seen the musical version performed by the all-female cast…

Also, Ted Nugent Shot a Bear

Trying to get back on track here, you see. It's not news that Ted Nugent shoots things, or even that some of the things are bears, but it does seem worth mentioning that it is illegal to shoot too many…

TSA: Too Sad for an Acronym

One more just to complete the trifecta, and then I will try to get a little more lighthearted. We've recently seen the TSA harassing the elderly, the very young, and now … the disabled. (Also the nude, but in that case…