Non-Standard Explanation Offered for Bugging Wife’s Bedroom

According to this report in the Beaver County Times, a 66-year-old Raccoon Township man has been charged with invasion of privacy and felony interception of communications for hiding a listening device under his wife’s bed. (Yes, the fact that this…

Drunken Zamboni Driver Mocked by Children

Irritatingly, I was led to believe that this NY Daily News report was actually new, which would have made this incident the third known Zamboni DUI case in the United States. (Canadians, please advise if this has happened, or is common,…

Cause of Death: Clowning Around

Just changed my living will to specify that I’d like to go this way when the time comes. Just changed it back. I haven’t been able to find any additional details (which is probably for the best), but did confirm…

Assorted Stupidity #35

I need a new name for these summaries (“Assorted Oddities”?) because sometimes something seems worth a brief mention but may not really involve “stupidity.” Like this one, in which a Colorado man is facing criminal charges because his dog bit…