Strange Doings in Colorado

From the police blotter for Highland Ranch/Lone Tree, Colorado: A little further down, there's a report of an apparent burglary — though no money was taken — at a "Cheeburger Cheeburger" restaurant. Coincidence? The same list includes the reported theft…

Cross That One Off the List

According to the Butte Montana Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Butte area "abounds with outdoor recreation opportunities." It probably does, but apparently it's still possible to get bored there. The Montana Standard reports that a 55-year-old man was charged this week…

Jokes in the Profession

From the first chapter of Bleak House, by Charles Dickens, who would be 200 years old today if he hadn't died in 1870: Jarndyce and Jarndyce drones on. This scarecrow of a suit has, in course of time, become so…

Bad Disguise #5: Shorts on Head

For many people, the facial area is perhaps the most recognizable area of the body, and for that reason an effective disguise will cover that area almost completely. It is important not to cover the eyes, which are the two…

The TSA Can’t Tell an Insulin Pump From a Gun

I don't like to let more than a couple of weeks go by without pointing out how pointless and incompetent the TSA is, and so at least for that purpose it's lucky that its employees do dumb things so frequently….

Assorted Stupidity #33

The devoted White Castle customer who sued after he became too fat to squeeze into the booths has dropped his case. As you may recall from Assorted Stupidity #27, Martin Kessman said he had been waiting years for his local…