If Pajamas Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Wear Pajamas

I guess that slogan does work better for guns, probably because that's something people might conceivably care about. At least, until recently it honestly hadn't occurred to me that the wearing of pajamas, even in public, could cause any controversy….

Please Report Me If I Am Missing. Thank You.

Via Popehat, here's a notice that is required to appear on all vending machines in Florida under a law that took effect in 2010: As you can see, the notice tells the reader that the notice the reader is reading…

Have You Been Offered a Tortoise in Unusual Circumstances?

If so, please contact the British Transport Police, who are looking for two hibernating tortoises that were in the trunk of a green Mazda 325 that was stolen on Saturday. “As well as being valuable,” said Constable Kristene Mikkonen, “the…

“Junior TSA Officer” Badge Is Creepy, Fraudulent

"Remember when we used to give them little pilots' wings?" asks author Neal Stephenson, who took this picture of a "Junior TSA Officer" sticker he saw recently, presumably at the Denver airport. He didn't say whether this had been given…

How to Comply With a Cease-and-Desist Letter But Still Win

It appears that the Freetail Brewing Company, a brewpub in San Antonio, recently got a nastygram from lawyers for a company in some other state demanding that it cease and desist from using the mark "HOPASAURUS REX" in connection with one…

Man Arrested After Stuffed-Monkey Assault

No, it isn't illegal to assault a stuffed monkey – luckily for my dog, who has murdered several – but it is illegal to assault someone with such a monkey, although you'll probably get away with it unless the victim is…

Most Popular Posts of 2011

Turns out to be easier to give in to the urge to do a year-end “top ten” list than to keep worrying about it (plus I want to justify the recently bestowed “Fun” label, thanks again), so here are the…