Man Claims Mullet Discrimination

I warned you this would happen. I just assumed it would be here in America. The bar (in Perth, Australia), has refused to comment so far on the man's claim that he was asked to leave because of his mullet. According…

Assorted Stupidity #45

For those of you wondering whether the "sovereign citizen" movement has had any legal success recently, the answer is still "of course not." (Previous failures include this, this, and this.) For those of you who thought the not-quite-dead-voter case seemed like a Monty Python sketch,…

Law Firm Will Vote One Candidate Off the Island Each Day

Well, this is horrible: The Firm [this firm] utilizes the following hiring process: * All candidates are allowed to begin a paid contract legal assignment at $20.00/hour. If you apply you will be given an assignment. * Each day the…

Texas Settles With Previously Dead Voters

According to the Austin American-Statesman (via Courthouse News), the lawsuit filed by Texas voters who had been told they were "potentially deceased" has been settled. See "'We're Not Dead, Say Texas Voters Informed They Were Dead," Lowering the Bar (Sept….

Two (More) Reasons Not to Bring Drugs to Court

1. You Are There for a Probation Hearing on Drug Charges This is not the first time someone has put drugs in the little box they give you at the X-ray machine, but it's the first time I'm aware of…


Multiple sources (e.g., Montreal Gazette) are reporting that at least some of the maple syrup that disappeared from a warehouse last month has been located. See "Who Stole the Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve? And How?" Lowering the Bar (Sept. 14, 2012)….