@reuters, 20 Feb 2013: Pope may make changes to church law on rules governing conclave that will elect successor
Here's what I'm hearing from my Vatican sources:
- Conclave can start early because of upcoming Holy Week
- Cardinals located overseas can now participate via Skype
- PIzza toppings limited to those available during reign of Gregory X
- To prevent deadlock, number of permitted toppings reduced by one per week of conclave
- Votes must be cast in Sistine Chapel; all other meetings in Conference Room B at the Radisson
- No Spaniards
- Anyone caught checking a BlackBerry during the conclave will be excommunicated
- Taller cardinals can now upgrade to seats with extra legroom
- To maximize youth appeal, instead of white smoke, new Pope to be signaled by playing of "Harlem Shake"
- Conclave no longer clothing-optional