- Official state song: "Alaska's Flag"
- Official state motto: North to the Future
- Official state bird: the Alaska Willow Ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus alascensis Swarth)
- Official state tree: the Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensensis)
- Official state marine mammal: bowhead whale
- Official state land mammal: moose (Alces alces)
- Official state fish: king salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, or something like that)
- Official state sport: dog mushing
- Official state medal for heroism: there is one, apparently
- Official state gem: jade
- Official state mineral: gold
- Official state fossil: the woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)
- Official state insect: the four spot skimmer dragonfly (Quatrospotticus skimmiflyrenei)
- Official state dog: the Alaskan malamute
- Avalanche Awareness Month: November
- Older Alaskans' Day: second Wednesday in September ("The day may be celebrated by public ceremonies and by quiet appreciation."
- Ted Stevens Day: fourth Saturday of July
- Marmot Day: February 2
- Motorcycle and Motor Scooter Awareness Month: May
See Alaska Stat. §§ 44.09, 44.12.