If I remember correctly, there are other miracles associated with Christmas as well, and to be honest this would probably be one of the lesser ones. But it did seem at least semi-miraculous that pre-ordered copies of The Emergency Sasquatch Ordinance did make it to their destinations by Christmas Eve, or at least some of them did.
I got mine, although I probably had the inside track to some extent because I wrote the thing. I heard from a number of others who also got theirs on Monday, and although that was technically not “next-day air” as promised it was in time for people to give it as a Christmas gift or to use it to give their rear wheels more traction in the snow or whatever else people had in mind for it. If you did not get yours in time, I apologize but hopefully you got it today.
Hope you are enjoying it, if you have it. To those North Americans who have not yet purchased it, which to be honest is still a fairly significant number, I hope you will do that and then enjoy it. (I’d be very surprised if anyone outside that region has bought it yet because of the not-reasonable shipping charges.)
For now, that is still only possible in one of two ways: (1) via the ABA’s website or (2) by asking your local bookstore to order it (if they haven’t already, which is likely).
- Way #1: don’t forget the mysterious but proven effective discount code BAL13MFSH.
- Way #2: if you try this and it doesn’t work, please let me know. It’s supposed to work.
In about two weeks, there will be a Way #3: Amazon. I don’t know yet what the Amazon price will be, but shipping will be much cheaper especially for those outside the U.S. and Canada.
Thanks again for your interest, and I hope you enjoy the book. My family did, or at least they liked the chapter titles and pictures, and that’s a good sign.
Happy holidays.