I Can’t Play NHL 2008 Online Forever, Plaintiff Complains

Well, the ever-roiling, always-turbid waters of California consumer law have just coughed up yet another ridiculous creature whose slowly decomposing corpse will stink up the once-pleasant beach that is the federal docket for the next several months. (Previous sentence ©2013…

Guess Whose Email the NSA Can’t Read

Its own. Well, NSA employees can read each other's emails, probably. I mean, it wouldn't make much sense to have an email system if your employees couldn't read the emails. Would it? It's just that the NSA can't read its employees'…

Has the TSA Searched Your Car? Yet?

If so, this reporter would like to speak to you, according to the watchdog group TSA News. Oh, by the way, the TSA is apparently searching cars now: According to this report from WHEC in Rochester, NY (same source), a…

North Carolina Considers Abortion/Motorcycle Safety Bill

Hey, there's been an amendment to North Carolina Senate Bill 353 on motorcycle safety. See if you can tell what's changed. Hint: the bill was originally entitled: AN ACT TO INCREASE PENALTIES FOR UNSAFE MOVEMENTS BY DRIVERS THAT THREATEN THE…


TOP SECRET//SI//ORCON//NOFORN From: REDACTEDSent: TODAYTo: YOUCc: xxx REDACTED xxxxSubject: //// SECURITY ADVISORY////REVISED VERSION OF SLIDES DISCLOSED IN WASHINGTON POST — DO NOT CLICK ON THIS LINK Yesterday you were told not to click on a link that led to classified…

USDA Requires Magician to Create “Disaster Plan” for His Rabbit

Popehat has a good post today about how it is entirely possible the U.S. is becoming a police state without guidance from a conspiracy of “black-mustache-twirling villains.” The road there could be paved mostly with good intentions and rationalizations, although…