Update on Justin Bieber’s Monkey

In what is almost certainly the most important story you'll read today, I am reporting that Vanity Fair is reporting that CNN is reporting that the Monkey Formerly Known as Bieber's has finally escaped customs limbo in Germany and has been…

Assorted Stupidity #54 [Updated]

Category: Things Left Behind at Crime Scene That Guarantee Conviction. Current Leader: Guy Who Left Behind a Copy of His Birth Certificate and a Letter From His Mom. Hard to see anyone beating that but I wouldn't rule anything out….

The Dude Who Went to Pizza Court

Hear Nebraska is a nonprofit group that says it "strives to make the state [Nebraska] a globally recognized cultural destination," and while that's probably more of a long-term goal there is some great stuff on its website right now. This…

Top Ten Notable Facts About the Gay-Marriage Decisions

First use of phrase "legalistic argle-bargle" since 1824's Gibbons v. Ogden In a footnote, Justice Kennedy overturns the outcome of last season's American Idol just to see if anybody is still paying attention Resolving an issue not raised below, Court rules unanimously that…

Assorted Stupidity #53

The guy who convinced his 16-year-old nephew to walk around dressed like a terrorist, complete with grenade launcher (see "GOOD IDEA: Test Police Response Time by Walking Around With an RPG" (Sept. 28, 2012), has been convicted of endangerment and…