Mom Has Son Arrested for Stealing Her Pop-Tarts

That headline could just as easily have been something like: "Police Arrest Boy for Stealing Mom's Pop-Tarts"—it just depends whose stupidity you want to highlight, and this is really a toss-up. Few details are available, mainly because everybody involved was…

This Product Contains 100% Something!

A reader noticed this label on a carpet: More specifically, this: My first thought was, how do they know? What if I can identify one of the fibers? Can I sue because I was promised a mystery rug? It turns…

Official State Crap: California

Official state nickname: The Golden State. Official state mineral: gold. Official state motto: "Eureka" (Greek for "I have found it," the "it" in this case probably being gold). Official state flower: the golden poppy. Official state colors: gold (also blue)….

Has Justin Bieber Abandoned His Monkey? [Updated]

According to Rolling Stone, Justin Bieber's management company has told the shelter currently housing Mally, his 20-week-old capuchin monkey, that Bieber doesn't want the animal and that it should be placed in a zoo. Mally was quarantined by German customs…

Does Eric Holder Know?

Nope. He does not:   Of course, neither did Alberto Gonzales, or if he did, he didn't recall:   Now, I don't know whether it's worse to not know anything or to not recall anything. I mean, if you don't…