Assorted Stupidity #52

When attorneys get carried away at a press conference: "I have a client who is not only not guilty, he is truly 100% innocent," said the attorney for the man initially charged with sending ricin to federal officials. She was…

Naked TSA Protester’s Appeal to Be Heard Tuesday

As you may recall, John Brennan took off all his clothes last April at an airport checkpoint in Portland to protest being hassled by the TSA (they got a false positive on that swab test), and was then charged with…

No, You Can’t Force Your Employees to Be Scientologists

So says the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in this press release, describing a lawsuit it filed today (May 9) against a Miami company. According to the EEOC, the company required employees to take Scientology courses and engage in a variety…

John McAfee: “I’m a Master at Sullying My Own Name”

Turns out that former software mogul and current oddball John McAfee successfully escaped the persecution (or prosecution, depending on who you believe) he was facing in Belize. See "If I Am Captured, This Blog Will Continue," Lowering the Bar (Dec….

Judge Orders Prenda Law Group Beamed Out Into Space

For full coverage of the Prenda Law debacle, let me refer you to Popehat, where Ken has been following it closely for a while now and has written many excellent posts on the saga (with help from, among others, Cathy Gellis). As a…