Does Size Matter? (Or, In Memory of Miss Wiggles)

That's one way the court described the question before it in this case (click for the full opinion): More specifically, the plaintiffs sought an injunction against the enforcement of a San Antonio ordinance that required their dancers to wear more…

Hairy-Visor Infringement Update!

A reader (Prof. Steve Kass) who was intrigued by yesterday's intellectual-property tale did a little research and uncovered some potentially relevant evidence. First, as you may recall, the plaintiff is seeking a declaratory judgment that it did not infringe on a…

WARNING: Peanut Shells May Contain Peanuts

Here's how utterly ridiculous this story is. In the UK, unshelled peanuts are called "monkey nuts," as depicted here, but although this story therefore involves people being "warned not to eat roasted monkey nuts," THAT IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH BY…

Classifying a Killer Whale for Tax Purposes

That's the title of this short video (1:13) in which Professor Jeff Karlin of Golden Gate University explains that the IRS distinguishes between killer whales and great white sharks, although both are big giant swimming things that could potentially eat…

Tax Day

On top of everything else, Monday was tax day, and while we were just reminded that tax gripes are relatively minor in the scheme of things, of course, that doesn't mean we should stop griping entirely. If you failed to…