June 2015

The Continuing Argle-Bargle

In last week's opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges, the U.S. Supreme Court again broke new ground and has taken an action that will be debated for years to come. It finally used the word "huh?" in an opinion. This of…

Spider-Man Clings to Wall of Supreme Court

On Monday, the Supreme Court held in Kimble v. Marvel Entertainment that a patent holder can't charge royalties for using an invention after the patent term expires. More accurately, it established that rule in a 1964 case, and held Monday…

Jury Clears Mascot in Hot-Dog-Flinging Case

ALERT: a second jury has found the Kansas City Royals and their mascot Sluggerrr not liable for Sluggerrr hitting a fan in the eye with a hot dog. As you may recall (and if not, by all means see below),…