June 2015

TSA Can Improve Aviation Worker Vetting

You think? The headline of this post is also the slightly understated title of this DHS Inspector General report, which notes that TSA failed to block someone on the terrorist watchlist from getting a job at an airport. And by…

MOM! I’m Representing Myself, Okay?! God!

The headline is "Rockland man attempts to seal court documents in domestic assault case," but the lesson is "think carefully before asking your mom to drive you to court." I'm just speculating that's what happened here, but I can't think…


Quite a few developments lately in stories I have previously mentioned. These all deserve more words than they’re getting below, but it’s hard enough to keep up with the new material. The man who was charged in February with driving…

TSA Successfully Passes Three Security Tests

The problem is that it was tested 70 times. Arguably, this graphic from the ABC News report is not entirely accurate, though, because failing 67 out of 70 times is actually a 95.7% failure rate, not 95%. Of course, the banner…

Criminal-Defense Attorney May Be Criminal Defense Attorney

You barbarians out there who aren't hyphenating compound adjectives should take note: sometimes it makes a difference. The San Francisco Chronicle reported last week on what it called an "unusual twist" in the trial of a man charged with fraud: his…