Bumbling Australian ATM Thief of the Week

Actually, this is not likely to become an ongoing series, because I'm confident that most Australians are quite capable of stealing an ATM if they wanted to. No, this one wasn't. That's true. Neither is the guy in today's clip….

Assorted Stupidity #76

And why has your client not appeared today? the court asked Edinburgh solicitor Roy Harley. Harley said he didn’t know, but noted that “[t]o be frank, My Lord, when he arrived at my office [last week] he was wearing a…

God’s Class Action Dismissed

Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered. Luke 11:52 (KJV) Well, the Lord’s lawsuit against all similarly situated homosexuals lasted just…

God Files Class Action Against Gay People

I know exactly what you’re thinking—one god isn’t enough gods for a class action. That makes no sense at all! And even if there were more than one, how likely is it that they would be similarly situated so that one…