Please Read This Before Bombing New Mexico

First: Do not blow up any part of New Mexico without express permission. Second: By "this" I don't mean this post, although if you have started your research here that is fine, if somewhat disturbing. By "this," of course, I…

How Did That Taster’s Choice Case Turn Out?

I mentioned Christoff v. Nestlé the other day—you know, the case where the guy was surprised to see his face on the Taster's Choice coffee label and ended up getting $15 million for it—and someone wrote me to ask how…

California Supreme Court Report

As I mentioned a few days ago, I argued a case before the California Supreme Court on Tuesday. I thought some of you might be interested to see the checklist I put together to help me prepare: I forgot to…

Program Note

No new posts today (except this one, of course) or tomorrow, because to your likely shock and amazement I am actually arguing a case tomorrow before the California Supreme Court. And no, the case is not in any way comical….

Twitter Takedown of Scottish Scam [Updated]

Scottish lawyer Malcolm Combe recently posted this tale about a promoted tweet gone wrong. He and several other lawyers went after a company called Highland Titles, which was making this offer: For just 30 quid, it would appear, you can…

Caption Contest Results

Lots of great suggestions for the caption contest, but I'm going to go with this one: "The Department is extremely grateful to this Bozo forcoming forward and identifying the 29 other people in hisvehicle at the time of the drive-by."…