Assorted Stupidity #71

"Drunken trombone-playing clown fires gun from garage, police say." A great headline and also basically the entire story. What more do you need? Speaking of headlines, how about "Accused crayfish thief caught 'waving it down Melbourne street'"? He was waving…

Can I Use the Carpool Lane If I Have a Prisoner?

The chapter on the law of carpooling that I'm planning to include in my next book is coming along nicely now. It'll be more interesting that it sounds, I think. Some time ago we learned that the argument "but I…

Jury Finds for Rick Springfield in Buttocks-Assault Case

A jury in Syracuse needed just 61 minutes to deliberate on this one, making it all the more puzzling to me why Rick Springfield’s attorneys thought they needed a mistrial the first time around. As you may recall, Vicki Calcagno…

Expert: Invitation to Child’s Party Not Enforceable

The BBC asked its legal correspondent to weigh in on the case of Alex Nash, the five-year-old who was billed £15.95 for failing to show up for a friend's birthday party. Although the party organizers (the friend's parents) have allegedly…

Tom & Jerry Go to Court

Randy Spencer is an attorney who bills himself as "the only stand-up comic to specialize in insurance," and—oh, well, here he is performing at Caroline's, Mr. Skeptic. You don't think that's possible and yet here you are reading a "legal-humor…