Nobody Move! This Is a Film Project

"Knowing Joe, it wasn't really a surprise," said one of Joe's friends about the news that Joe had robbed two banks. "I don't think he meant anything by it other than he was just trying to get some good footage." Whether…

Nude Citizens Make Nude Citizens’ Arrest of Nude Citizen

Seems to me like this would be incredibly awkward, but then I'm not a nudist (except on very special occasions, like Thursdays). Maybe to them it's no big deal. It seems likely, though, that the citizen arrested in this citizens'…

Objection: Annoying

This happened somewhere out there: Some of you may be surprised to learn that "annoyance" is in fact a valid legal objection. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(c)(1) (authorizing court to issue protective order to prevent "annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, or undue burden or…

Supreme Court Litigant Fails to Show Up

Just a quick update to say that those of you out hunting for Bobby Chen (see "Could Someone Ask Bobby Chen to Call the U.S. Supreme Court?" (Dec. 20, 2014)) can call off the search. Although the Court had agreed to…

Ride Something Dangerous Down a Hill Today

"Dubuque is overflowing with things to see and do," says TravelDubuque.com, in a statement that's apparently also supposed to apply in January, when the average temperature there is about 26 degrees (-3 in Canadian degrees). Officials are trying to cope…

Ah, La Stupidité, Elle Brûle!

"That's my question about these guys," said the talking head about the Charlie Hebdo attackers, in a discussion about police militarization and racial profiling. "[I]f they had ski masks on, do we even know what color they were, what the tone of…

Kirby Delauter, Sherbert Deluder

I'm a little late to this party, but I didn't want to pass up a chance to mention Kirby Delauter, the county councilman who threatened to sue the Frederick News-Post if it used his name without his permission. It not only…

Frozen Guru Update

Just a quick update on the continuing controversy in India over the status of His Holiness Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji.