TIP: Destroy Sensitive Documents With Shredder, Not Chicken Farm

Not only is there nothing wrong with destroying documents as a matter of course, everybody should be routinely destroying documents and other data they don’t really need. See Arthur Andersen LLP v. United States, 544 U.S. 696, 704 (2005) (noting…

Teens Charged With Exploiting Themselves

Let me just warn you in advance that the following sentence will make no sense at all: After a 16-year-old Fayetteville girl made a sexually explicit nude photo of herself for her boyfriend last fall, the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office…

Lawsuit Blames Negligent Six-Year-Old

“A judge will now have to decide whether the six-year-old can be held legally responsible for her actions,” says the Telegraph about a case pending in Austria. According to the report, the accident she’s accused of causing “took place on…

Gerrymanderers Miss One Person

As you probably know, “gerrymandering” is the practice of redrawing the borders of a voting district for a specific purpose, usually if not always to make sure it has more of your supporters than opponents in it. This is nothing…

The Torch Has Been Passed

A thoroughly pissed-off Gen. George Washington to British Lt. General Thomas Gage (Aug. 19, 1775): I have taken Time, Sir, to make a strict Inquiry, and find it has not the least Foundation in Truth. Not only your Officers, and…