Costumed Bear Harasser Wanted by Authorities, Evolution

Well, this happened: [Alaska Fish & Game official] Lou Cenicola reported that around 7:30 p.m. Monday, a man in a "realistic-looking" bear costume ran through a group of people standing on the side of the road bear-watching. The man ran…

"Home of Throwed Rolls" Sued for Throwin’ Rolls

Really for hittin' a gal in her cornea and whatnot after them rolls was throwed. But there's lawyerin' afoot now, that's definite. Lambert's Cafe was founded in Sikeston, Missouri (in the "bootheel") in 1942, and now has three locations due…

All-Purpose Order Denying Motion to Seal

Sources (e.g., Above the Law, Techdirt) report that Judge Charles Breyer (N.D. Cal., brother of Justice Breyer) recently issued an order refusing to seal certain documents on the grounds that they were already heavily redacted, and so who cares. Or, at…

Assorted Stupidity #78

Number of lawsuits filed during 2014 in the U.S. District Court in Tucson: 3,772. Number of those lawsuits filed by Dale Maisano: 2,995 (79.4 percent). Number of lawsuits Maisano has filed in the District of Tennessee: over 1,800. Most lawsuits…

Toddler Enjoys Lawyer-Themed Birthday Party

Well, this seems to have happened in January but didn’t receive the publicity it deserves until the WSJ’s Law Blog covered it recently. Obviously I need better sources in Prairieville, Louisiana. That’s the home of the Dobra family, whose youngest…