I am fairly proud of some of my own headlines, if I do say so myself, but of course there is no shortage of other good ones out there—sometimes intentionally good, sometimes not. I found this screenshot of a great one while cleaning out one of my archive folders:

Not sure whether that’s in the intentional or unintentional category.
I have no idea whether I captured this myself back in 1994 and it’s been sitting in that folder ever since or if I got it from some other source—probably the latter, but regardless it’s worth preserving.
Speaking of headlines, if you want more good ones you should sign up for Tom Harrison’s free Headline of the Day mailing list, which you can do by emailing him at tomharrison711 @gmail.com. Tom is a former Courthouse News Service reporter, but I’m still not sure where he finds so many good headlines. You won’t mind seeing this one in your inbox.