Articles by Kevin

New York AG Shuts Down “Smackfest” Slapping Contests

Successfully concluding his latest campaign to enhance public safety, New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer has announced a settlement under which an Albany radio station will stop its “Smackfest” competition, in which young women slap each other for prizes. Spitzer…

Yoga Classes Found to Make Inmates More Agitated and Aggressive

A Norwegian newspaper reported Wednesday that officials at Ringerike prison near Oslo have discontinued yoga classes after finding that they appeared to make the inmates more agitated and aggressive, not more relaxed as had been hoped. The classes, which feature…

Latest Example of “Law Clerk Bingo”

Whoever wrote the concurring and dissenting opinion for Ninth Circuit Judge Fernandez in Southern Union Co. v. Southwest Gas Corp. has scored many points in the game of who can get the most ridiculous words into a judicial opinion. The case…

Can a Mug Shot Also Be Evidence of the Crime?

Probably not very often, but this one is. Hint: the charge is “abusing harmful intoxicants,” namely, spray paint. The site links to a number of other excellent mug shots. The Smoking Gun

Poorly-Planned Flight From Law Ends in Courtroom

Trying to avoid a trial date, Jada Coover led Iowa police on a high-speed chase Wednesday after his pickup was spotted on State Highway 50. Coover fled down the highway, then into the town of Vermillion, where he stopped the…

Man Fakes Own Kidnapping to Avoid Wrath of Girlfriend

Here are some things to remember when planning to claim, falsely, that you were kidnapped: If you say you were on the way to a store to buy something, check to see if that store really carries that item. Because…