Articles by Kevin

Governor Blames Grand-Jury Investigation on Testicular Virility

Facing a grand-jury investigation of his fund-raising practices, Governor Rod Blagojevich of Illinois claimed that he had become a target only because of his “testicular virility” in standing up to a Chicago alderman he had accused of wrongdoing. Blagojevich, whose…

State Seeks to Evict Woman From Lava Tube

Hawaiian authorities have removed Karen Mayfield from the lava tube she has been living in for three years, and say they will put her on trial May 31 for littering, illegal camping, and “disturbing a geological feature,” all misdemeanors. She…

Geneva Convention Invoked to Save Grapefruit Tree

Laura and Edmund Gerstein of Boca Raton (“Rat Mouth”), Florida, have made a formal claim of immunity under the 1949 Geneva Convention for a grapefruit tree in their backyard. The tree apparently has been targeted by the state for removal…

Robert Blake Sought to Enlist 70s Stars in His Legal Defense

The L.A. Times reports that Robert Blake, the former star of "Baretta" who was accused of killing his wife, was very involved in his legal defense strategy, according to transcripts of conversations he had while in prison awaiting trial. In…

The Savior Has No Comment At This Time

A West Virginia man is continuing his battle to be recognized as Jesus Christ, after a recent partial victory in the D.C. Court of Appeals.  Although his Florida birth certificate bears his pre-Christian name, "Peter Robert Phillips Jr.," he does…

Give Me a T

A bill that would ban “overtly sexually suggestive” cheerleading routines. You’ll know them when you see them, the sponsor says.