Articles by Kevin

Louisiana Convenience Store Robbed by Pirate

Last week I reported that Butte, Montana, was apparently plagued by leprechauns around St. Patrick’s Day. This week it’s pirates in Louisiana. Police in New Iberia said they had arrested a man in connection with the robbery of a Food…

Moments of Zen

"’I lied about being a lawyer but other than the lie, everything else was totally legit,’ Goldstein said [at his sentencing hearing]." (He won 25 cases in 8 months of fake practice.) "Flemming, who practices in Concord, Calif., is…

“Don’t Follow Me or I’ll Shoot,” Says Leprechaun

A clerk at the Front Street Laundromat in Butte, Montana, reported that he was robbed on Wednesday night (the night before St. Patrick’s Day) by a leprechaun. Police reports stated that a man wearing a fake beard, mustache, plastic derby…

Unfortunate But True Vanity Plate Results in Arrest

Here’s an idea: if you “like to party,” calling attention to that fact while driving might not be so smart. Josiah Johnson admitted that his license plate, which reads “TIPSY,” might have tipped off a sheriff’s deputy who pulled him…

Canadian MP Apologizes for Suggesting Canada “Embarrass” the US

Marlene Jennings, a member of Canada’s parliament, apologized recently for suggesting on March 8 that Canada should publicly embarrass the US in retaliation for perceived US failures to adhere to trade treaties. “Let’s embarrass the hell out of the Americans…

Calm Heads Not Prevailing in Cat-Hunting Debate

A man in La Crosse, Wisconsin, who is pushing the state legislature to allow cat hunting says he has received a number of death threats since his campaign began. The man, who would probably prefer that his name not be…

Dog Subpoenaed

Aggressive prosecutors in Bentonville, Arkansas, sent out subpoenas to anyone who had any type of contact with defendant Albert K. Smith while he was in jail awaiting trial. That included one “Murphy Smith,” to whom Albert had written a letter…

Tut Murder Cover-Up Continues

An Egyptian investigative team this week said it had found no evidence to support theories that the Pharaoh Tutankhamun was murdered. Egyptian authorities said they would now release Tut's wife and prime minister, who have been held as "material witnesses"…

Husband’s Smell Destroys Iranian Marriage

A woman identified only as “Mina” has requested a divorce from her husband of eight years (they’ve been married eight years, he’s not eight years old), on the grounds that he has not bathed in more than a year. The…