Assorted Stupidity

Assorted Stupidity #74

The lesson of this Iowa case is: if one has agreed to build a pond, one has thereby warranted that the pond will actually hold water. In an opinion that I have not read but with which I disagree, the…

Assorted Stupidity #73

An appellate court has ruled that "the danger posed by a plate of sizzling hot food [is] self-evident," thus dooming a New Jersey man's attempt to sue Applebee's for burns suffered while bowing his head to pray over a plate…

Assorted Stupidity #72

"He left a very disturbing message with one of my staff people," said California state rep. Lorena Gonzalez. The caller: actor Rob Schneider, who said he would spend money to defeat Gonzalez because she supports a bill to eliminate the…

Assorted Stupidity #71

"Drunken trombone-playing clown fires gun from garage, police say." A great headline and also basically the entire story. What more do you need? Speaking of headlines, how about "Accused crayfish thief caught 'waving it down Melbourne street'"? He was waving…

Assorted Stupidity #70

Several of these items deserve special treatment, but I am way behind and still have to finish my Christmas shopping. Please accept this list therefore as my Christmas gift to you. An IRS spokesperson stated that yes, the criminal charges against…

Assorted Stupidity #69

“I have absolutely no idea why you’d try to direct traffic with frozen peas,” the officer said.

Assorted Stupidity #68

It sucks to lose things, it really sucks to lose an envelope full of cash, and it super-sucks to lose an envelope full of stolen cash because you dropped it in a police officer's driveway. A passerby found it and,…

Assorted Stupidity #67

Man, the California State Bar is really cracking down these days. Slip up just 810 times and they'll insist on disbarring you. Try to save them a bunch of work by stipulating to misconduct in 14 cases, and do you…

Assorted Stupidity #66

You'd like to think people wouldn't need these reminders anymore, but let's try it one more time: (1) always wear your seatbelt, no matter where in the vehicle you're sitting; and (2) never light the driver's armpit hair on fire…

Assorted Stupidity #65

Bad places to hide: (1) ponds, (2) bushes in which wasps have previously hidden. List will likely grow. Did police refer to the latter case as a "sting operation"? Of course they did. That happened in the UK, as you…