Assorted Stupidity

Assorted Stupidity #50

Have said it before, but people still aren't getting it: never bring a sharpened antler to a gunfight. Winner, Least Necessary Sentence in Article Linked Above Item (tie): "Witnesses said the man might be under the influence of drugs" and…

Assorted Stupidity #48

A former beauty-pageant contestant pleaded guilty to participating in a riot that followed the 2011 Stanley Cup final. What's that you're asking? Had she been voted "Miss Congeniality" in that pageant? Indeed she had. If you are fighting charges that…

Assorted Stupidity #46

Yes, it's frustrating when the bank teller screws up a simple request—"give me $20,000," for example—but you shouldn't really complain about being shortchanged if the money you demanded wasn't yours. A 28-year-old man was arrested in October after he demanded…

Assorted Stupidity #45

For those of you wondering whether the "sovereign citizen" movement has had any legal success recently, the answer is still "of course not." (Previous failures include this, this, and this.) For those of you who thought the not-quite-dead-voter case seemed like a Monty Python sketch,…

Assorted Stupidity #43

In June, a woman in Aspen, Colorado, was acquitted after a 90-minute trial of charges that she failed to pick up after her dog. A county ranger cited Marion Lansburgh for the fecal infraction in March, but she argued that…

Assorted Stupidity #42

On April 2, a man sued the government alleging that the FBI's fitness test discriminates because it is comparatively easier for women. Women are required to do only 14 untimed pushups to qualify, but men must do 30. Plaintiff, sadly, could…

Assorted Stupidity #41

Careful when honking at people during rush hour in Philly—somebody might pull out a crossbow. (No, Ted Nugent is still in Maine at the moment.) Previously in medieval road-rage weaponry: axe, mace, trident. Well, a wrench is close enough to a mace…

Assorted Stupidity #39

There are a number of reasons why lawyers might withdraw from a case other than a belief that the case is completely bogus, but by the time your ninth set of lawyers asks to withdraw it might be time to reevaluate,…

Assorted Stupidity #38

For those of you who are not entirely clear on how to wash your hands, here's a handy instructional video on the subject created by the county council of West Sussex in the UK. Some residents were upset when the…

Assorted Stupidity #36

In the latest case of karaoke rage, last week a Florida man reportedly knocked out an Applebee's manager who asked him to stop singing after other patrons complained. A local TV station reportedly filmed the man's arrest, during which he…