Attorney Advertising

Just Because You Did It…

This is of course true in a couple of different ways (depending mostly on the meaning of "did it"), but it still seems to be a little jarring for people to see it on a billboard. Larry Archie is an…

A Musical Immigration-Law Ad

I came across Pete Reid's great super-lawyer ad via the Legal Cheek site out of the UK. They also linked to the ad below, which I also enjoyed, though for somewhat different reasons:   I awarded bonus points because I think the…

An Intentionally Funny Lawyer Ad

Via Above the Law, here's Austin attorney Pete Reid's new ad, which is pretty great. According to the ad, at least, he's good at lots of things besides jury trials:   I'd hire him, even if he didn't really save…

This Defense Attorney Got “Street Knowledge,” Yo

Also a good sense of humor, though you may disagree with his message.   Or you may not. Accused criminals are entitled to a defense and defending them is an honorable profession, even though many of the accused will in…

Some Words About That Badass Lawyer Ad [Updated]

It is, in fact, totally badass. With that out of the way, here are a few minor criticisms. First of all, lawyer advertising of course has to be true and not misleading. Beyond that, lawyers have a First Amendment right…

More on that Atrocious Lawyer Ad [Updated]

Seriously! Sorry, I should be more specific—this is the atrocious lawyer ad I mentioned last week that featured the appallingly stereotypical depiction of a Chinese person. See "No, I Don't See Anything Wrong With This Lawyer Ad. Why Do You Ask?" (Nov….