Attorneys in Action

Pope Sued

According to the German newspaper Westfälische Rundschau, a new lawsuit asks the question, "Gilt auf dem Papst Benedikt XVI die Anschnallpflicht im Papamobil?" If like me you don't speak German, that apparently means something like, "Is the Pope legally required…

Kellogg Settles “Toucan Sam” Dispute With Archaeologists

As I reported previously, Kellogg North America sent a cease-and-desist letter to the Maya Archaeology Initiative in July, complaining that the non-profit group was using a toucan on its logo that some might confuse with Kellogg's "Toucan Sam." MAI's lawyer responded that…

Finally, the Movie Version of that Japanese Lawyer Video Game

According to Neatorama, this is actually happening:   "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney," the game that lets everyone in on the fun of practicing law, originated in Japan. Its success there led to a 2005 release in the U.S. on the Nintendo…

Unhappy Halloween, Firm That Mocked Homeless People

If you have been thinking that the public's general impression of lawyers is way too high, and would like to bring it down a few notches, here's an idea: for Halloween, dress up as some of the people you helped…

TIP: Courts Frown on Lawyer “Gibberish”

As we have seen, one of the more important legal skills is the ability to get other people to understand what the hell you are talking about. See Order Denying Motion for Incomprehensibility, In re King (Bankr. W.D. Tex. Feb. 21, 2006)…

Judge Invites Bickering Attorneys to “Kindergarten Party”

When judges get fed up with discovery disputes, this might happen:     Greetings and Salutations! You are invited to a kindergarten party on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. in Courtroom 2 of the United States Courthouse, 200 W. Eighth…

Update on the “Buxom Woman” Dispute

An AP article yesterday shed more light on the motion to preclude a woman the AP described as "buxom" from sitting at counsel table during trial. (I was a little more direct the other day – has the word "breast"…