Attorneys in Action

Study: Lawyers Under Stress Are Critical, Cautious and Distant

According to a study reported in the ABA Journal, lawyers under stress are tense, overly critical, cautious and emotionally distant. In a related story, lawyers not under stress are tense, overly critical, cautious and emotionally distant. The data for the study…

Lawyer Finds $1 Million in Cash in His Closet

From today's ABA Journal: A South Carolina lawyer known for his TV commercials and billboards has turned over $994,000 in cash kept in a closet of his Myrtle Beach law office after a court-appointed bankruptcy investigator stressed the importance of…

On Lawmanship

I just finished a book that I recommend very highly: On Lawmanship by Bullstrode Whitelocke, K.C. Bullstrode, who I consider a close personal friend even though he is fictional, is the greatest practitioner of the law Australia has yet produced,…

Lawyer Sued After Delivering Belly Bump, Sucker Punch

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that an attorney who works with "The Heavy Hitter" Glen Lerner has been sued for allegedly hitting somebody in the face at a charity golf tournament.  Brian Walsh alleges that associate Benjamin Lund "sucker punched"…

“Carlos the Jackal” Still Worried About His Image

Convicted terrorist and murderer Carlos Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez, also known as "Carlos the Jackal," is still upset about how he is portrayed in the new movie, "Carlos," which premiered at Cannes in May.  Ramirez is fuming about the movie from…

The Courthouse: Still Not a Good Place to Assault Someone

Tempers do flare from time to time when practicing law, and sometimes conflict is unavoidable.  But there are still a few basic rules that you really must observe: In modern-day practice, engaging in fisticuffs is generally considered unprofessional. If you are…