Attorneys in Action

Attorneys, Bartenders, Dog Groomers on Dangerous-Driver List

According to a study by online insurance company, attorneys (including judges) are at the very top of the list of most dangerous drivers, a result that a company spokesperson suggested was because of their mistaken belief that they are…

No-Dueling Promise May Be Dropped From Kentucky Oath

As I wrote last year (here, and here), since 1849 the Kentucky Constitution has required anyone holding any "office of honor or profit" to swear that they have never fought or otherwise participated in a duel. This provision was added…

Legal Tool of the Week

If you think the "Legal Tool of the Week" might be, let's say, Westlaw or some new iPhone app, you are at the wrong website. In fact, it is William Ogletree, a 62-year-old Texas attorney who is the owner of…

John Edwards Manages to Get Less Popular

Apparently unhappy with his 15 percent approval rating in a recent poll I mentioned just the other day – the lowest that polling firm had ever recorded — former senator and candidate John Edwards dashed out on Thursday to make a statement…

Attorney Sued For Nose Biting; Claims Self-Defense

According to media on Friday, a Memphis attorney has been sued by a man who is missing part of his nose.  It appears that Greg Herbers is blaming Mark Lambert for the injury to his nose, on the grounds that…

First “Brüno” Lawsuit Filed

Sacha Baron Cohen, who was repeatedly sued by people who were unhappy with the way he depicted them in "Borat" (a group that includes most people who were depicted in "Borat"), has now been sued by someone unhappy with his…

Lawyer Misses Flight; Now Working at Airport Information Desk

Ironically, having posted just yesterday about being habitually late for things, including air travel, I missed my flight this morning.  Since, unlike some secretaries, my secretary is apparently not devoted enough to call in bomb threats on my behalf even though she knows…