Attorneys in Action

Firm Fires Managing Partner Via Note on Chair

Ah, there's nothing like the close-knit camaraderie of a law-firm partnership.  We few, we happy few, we band of brothers (please consider said term to include sisters); for he that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; and if voted out, he…

UPDATE: Supreme Court Denies Motions for Divided Argument

The Supreme Court did take up the "emergency" motions for reconsideration in the Carcieri case at its Friday conference today, and denied them.  That means it will not decide whether Joe Larisa or Ted Olson gets to argue for the…

Supreme Court May Decide Supreme Court Argument Argument

The furious (and now completely ridiculous) battle over which attorney gets to argue Carcieri v. Kempthorne for the petitioners in the Supreme Court continues to rage, and it now looks like it may be resolved by the Court itself on Friday. Because…

Cast of Thousands Fails to Generate “Plain English” Order

Here’s another one from the archives: [The Court asked counsel to] prepare a "plain English" version of the injunctive order, which the Court could then substitute for the somewhat convoluted order still in place. . . . In response, [counsel]…

I Am Sorry

I am sorry that Mr. Murphrey had to go through what he describes in this letter. I am sorry that attorneys sometimes act unprofessionally and even childishly. I am sorry that I did not have a chance to post this…

TRO Denied; Obama Can Still Run — For Now

The Obama campaign is probably breathing a sigh of relief now that the motion for temporary restraining order sought by Philip J. Berg, Esquire, has been denied.  Berg, who says he is a Democrat (and presumably a Clinton supporter), filed…

WHEREAS, You Acted Like a Jerk In Court

WHEREAS, on the dates set out below, in the presence of Judge Thomas Mountjoy of the Court of Greene County, Missouri, attorney Carlos Dupree Romious, aka D. Carlos Romious, did do the following stupid things, among others: On June 16,…