Attorneys in Action

Further Details Emerge on $65-Million-Pants Lawsuit

We learned more this week about the lawsuit by a D.C. administrative law judge against his diabolical neighborhood dry cleaners, who allegedly lost or stole or set fire to or irradiated or otherwise acted tortiously towards a pair of pants…

Lawyers Show Their Tats to the ABA

I read the ABA Journal’s eReport (that’s a Report that goes out eLectronically) every Friday, and was a little surprised to see this under "Answers of the Week":  "Last week we asked what inspired you to get tattooed." That was…

Attorney Free on Bond After Kissing Judicial Marshal

"This is the biggest baloney I’ve ever seen in my life," said Ralph Crozier, a 55-year-old criminal defense attorney from Southbury, Connecticut.  For once he wasn’t talking about charges against a client, but about the charges filed against him for…

Lawyer’s Bin Laden Halloween Costume Not Popular

I was happy to learn that the guy arrested on Halloween dressed as Osama bin Laden and waving a gun around was an attorney, which brings this story within my jurisdiction. Apparently, a number of drivers called police in South…