Attorneys in Action

State Troopers Say Maryland’s AG Is a Terrible Backseat Driver

According to accounts by a number of state troopers (reported by the Washington Post), Maryland Attorney General Douglas Gansler regularly insists that officers assigned to drive him use the lights and sirens in non-emergency situations, including when he needs to…

Okay, Sir, I’m Going to Make Two Hand Gestures at You Now

I have no idea what the underlying issue was here—apparently some kind of traffic violation—but the clip is well worth watching because you just don't get that many chances to see an attorney and a witness repeatedly flip each other…

And This Is My Pet Unicorn, Mr. Carrot Pretty Lashes

Here's where this is going, in case you found this through an innocent unicorn-related search: [The defendant's] attorney … called the prosecution's case a stretch of the imagination. "Getting struck in the testicles is no way a reward or an…

Great Response to a “Prank” Cease-and-Desist Letter

Buzzfeed's question, "Is This The Best Response To A Cease And Desist Letter Ever?," prompted some debate this morning, although it is one of those debates that is not really necessary (which is why we had it on Twitter) because…

Michael Jackson’s Ghost Testifies His Death Was an Accident

It testified over objection, of course, but the objection was apparently overruled. As you may recall, Jackson died in 2009 from an overdose of the anesthetic propofol, given to him by Dr. Conrad Murray. Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter…

Does Eric Holder Know?

Nope. He does not:   Of course, neither did Alberto Gonzales, or if he did, he didn't recall:   Now, I don't know whether it's worse to not know anything or to not recall anything. I mean, if you don't…

Client: Attorney Gave Me Bad Advice, Tried to Kill Me

This lead-in by Courthouse News Service caught my eye: WOODSTOCK, Ill. (CN) – The attorney a man hired to represent him in a child custody dispute had an affair with the mother of the client's child, then tried to hire hit men…

Lawyer Offers Dream Job: You Pay to Watch Him Work

The legal job market is tough right now, and a lot of new lawyers are doing unpaid internships in order to get experience until things improve. But I wasn't aware that the profession had sunk low enough that we would…