Best Of

Goodbye, 2024

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Well, another year is over. What did we learn, collectively, as a species? Nothing. As a country (assuming your country is the United States)? Also nothing. What did you learn, as an individual? At least a few things. Will any of them help you avert the impending disaster that will one day be known to history as <insert capitalized phrase here> but for now is still just “2025”? Nope! Will they at least briefly soothe the pain inflicted on thinking people by the blazing dumpster fire that was the year 2024? I don’t know, let’s see.

  • In February, you learned that a Missouri state senator had proposed a rule change that would allow one senator to challenge another to a duel if the offender had “impugned” the challenger’s honor “beyond repair.” This was probably not a serious proposal, although as we discussed Missouri lawmakers used to blaze away at each other quite freely.
  • That same month, a Florida state representative proposed a bill making it almost impossible to punish people for killing bears, a bill he defended by saying it wasn’t aimed at all bears, just “the ones that are on crack.” He continued by declaring that “[w]hen you run into one of these crack bears, you should be able to shoot it, period.” Is the number of documented incidents of ursine crack use in Florida actually zero, according to The Guardian? So many questions, so little time.
  • Hey, that was also the month in which a Kentucky state representative said he had inadvertently proposed a bill that would have, inadvertently, removed “first cousin” from the list of people with whom one should not have certain kinds of relationships. How that one specific phrase had inadvertently been removed, and who did so, was not explained.
  • Roadkill! Can you scrape it up and eat it? Legally, I mean. Well, comply with the reporting requirements of what is now Virginia Code section 29.1-539, and the answer is yes. Mm-mmm.
  • In April, O.J. Simpson died. This put an end to a long string of articles about him, which is kind of sad, but also to him personally, which isn’t, unless you were related to him and that relationship was not “ex-wife.”
  • Does a taco qualify as a “sandwich”? Yes, said one court. “Wrong and ridiculous,” another court said three days later. Both decisions were rendered in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where the bloodshed presumably continues to this day.
  • Please be advised that if you name your chatroom “The ASX Pump and Dump Group,” that may later be interpreted as evidence you were conspiring to further an illegal “pump and dump” stock-fraud scheme. Similarly, filming yourself illegally shooting fireworks at a vehicle from a dangerously low altitude and then posting that video on YouTube could pose problems.
  • The other massive investigation that concluded in November was Operation Bear Claw, which confirmed that what at first glance seemed to be a bear trashing the inside of a Rolls Royce was, in fact, a guy in a bear suit trashing the inside of a Rolls Royce. Turns out auto insurance will not cover that.
  • Something you surely know but many people still do not, despite my frequent reminders, is that trying to flee from authorities by jumping into the water will virtually always fail.

Speaking of more where this came from, I have no doubt that the world will not get any smarter in 2025. But I wish you the best.