
Abnormal Use Reviews My Book; Crayons Involved Again

Thanks to Jim Dedman and the others at the award-winning products-liability blog Abnormal Use for reviewing The Emergency Sasquatch Ordinance, with a special thanks to Batten Farrar for his expert rendition of the cover. This is the second time crayons have been used…

Peeps in Law Contest: Voting is Open

I previously mentioned the ABA Journal's "Peeps in Law" diorama contest, but now all the entries are in and the voting is underway. Clearly the best entry this year was "The Emergency Peepsquatch Ordinance," by Lee Rawles: Unfortunately for these two…

Congratulations to the Contest Winners

Thanks to the 1297 people who signed up at for the chance to win one of three signed copies of The Emergency Sasquatch Ordinance. I guess I forgot to mention that the winners would be decided by physical combat, not…

Dear Falkland Islanders Who Want to Buy My Book

I have no idea what it would cost to ship it there from the U.S. otherwise, but I have just learned that if you buy from the Book, they will ship it to you for free. The base price…

Win a Copy of The Emergency Sasquatch Ordinance

I realize that a mere $18.78 (the current price of my book on is nothing to somebody like you, and that if you had $18.78 in your hand you'd probably just throw it out in the street rather than…

The Gift of the Yeti

This made my month (and is still making this one): Kevin, For Valentine's Day my wife got me a copy of your book, which has been immensely enjoyable. Unfortunately, it did not arrive in time for our gift exchange. My…

Sasquatch in the Emergency Room

Keith Lee, who writes the Associate's Mind blog, posted this on Twitter yesterday: If you're concerned about the patients she's not treating, don't be too worried. All the chapters in the book are very short, so it will never take too long…

Sasquatch Sightings Spreading, Say Some

Yesterday I mentioned that a Sasquatch—specifically, the tiny one on the cover of my book—had been spotted in the library at the University of Tennessee's College of Law. After that a few other people were kind enough to mention that…