
The Day Justice Douglas Threw a Book Out the Window

From the book In Chambers: Stories of Supreme Court Law Clerks and Their Justices, noted by Andrew Cohen in The Atlantic : Law clerks in this era all learned that none of [Justice William O.] Douglas' rules were ever to be ignored….

There She Blows! ‘Tis the Contract for Moby Dick!

Agreement made between Harper and Brothers of the city of New York, Publishers, of the one part and Herman Melville of Pittsfield Massachusets [sic] of the other part, witnesseth— That the said Harper and Brothers have agreed to publish and…

Wexler: Scalia Got the Most Laughs Again This Year

For some years now, Professor Jay Wexler has been analyzing the transcripts of Supreme Court oral arguments and tallying up the references to "[laughter]" in response to wisecracks from the bench. He first did this in 2005, and on Monday…

Jokes in the Profession

From the first chapter of Bleak House, by Charles Dickens, who would be 200 years old today if he hadn't died in 1870: Jarndyce and Jarndyce drones on. This scarecrow of a suit has, in course of time, become so…

Bad Law Book Titles No. 3

  This book, actually a looseleaf binder series, won The Bookseller's 2001 Diagram Prize for oddest book title, which may explain why it now seems to be available only under another name. Corporate manslaughter, also referred to as "corporate killing,"…

Bad Law Book Titles #2

  Finally. There must be thousands of books out there claiming they can help you succeed, and frankly, it was getting a little boring.