
Two Ways to Get the President’s Attention

Author's Note: Alternative titles you may prefer, depending on your political persuasion: Somebody Finally Throws the Book at Obama or Public Still Eager to Donate to Democrats This blog makes an effort to be non-partisan, so please select from the…

On Lawmanship

I just finished a book that I recommend very highly: On Lawmanship by Bullstrode Whitelocke, K.C. Bullstrode, who I consider a close personal friend even though he is fictional, is the greatest practitioner of the law Australia has yet produced,…

Can Church-and-State Issues Be Funny? Hell, Yes

I am way overdue in suggesting that you buy a copy of Jay Wexler's book, Holy Hullaballoos: A Road Trip to the Battlegrounds of the Church/State Wars. At the outset, given that the FTC is now regulating blog endorsements, I…

Jay Wexler’s “Holy Hullabaloos” Book Published

Just a heads-up that Jay Wexler's book, "Holy Hullabaloos: A Road Trip to the Battlegrounds of the Church/State Wars," has been published.  Jay is a professor at Boston University School of Law, who teaches a variety of classes, including on…

“The Secret”: Your Path to Happiness, Love, Litigation

Some of you may be familiar with "The Secret," an enormous bestseller that encourages people to follow the "law of attraction," which I thought was something that made people hang out near playgrounds but which turns out to be "an…

UPDATE: Battle Over Cat Jurisdiction Enters Fifth Year

Back in July, I reported on a dispute between federal and local authorities as to who had jurisdiction over the descendants of Ernest Hemingway’s mutant six-toed cat.  (See Legal Battle Rages Over Future of Hemingway’s Mutant Cats, July 19, 2007.) …

Legal Battle Rages Over Future of Hemingway’s Mutant Cats

Reuters News reported this week that the federal government and the local authorities in charge of the Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum in Key West, Florida, are battling over the future status of dozens of cats that roam the grounds…

New ABA Book To Convince Kids That Lawyers are Totally Awesome

Many of you may have received an email from the American Bar Association plugging a book called Leapholes by James Grippando, who has written a number of popular novels for grownups. But Leapholes is for young readers (middle-school young, not…

Seven-Foot Green Attorney Smashes Opponent

I was very happy to learn recently (and I honestly can't remember where I learned this) that Jennifer Walters, also known by her Marvel superhero name of "She-Hulk," is an attorney. Finally, a flattering depiction of attorneys in the media….