Why Donald Trump Is Wrong (This Time)
Bill Maher was not required to pay Trump $5 million just because he proved his dad was not an orangutan.
Bill Maher was not required to pay Trump $5 million just because he proved his dad was not an orangutan.
Turns out “imminent” doesn’t mean what you think it means.
In a development that shocked no one, including him, Jonathan Frieman did not prevail yesterday in Marin County Superior Court. As I mentioned earlier, Frieman argues that he was not "alone" in his car when using the carpool-only lane, for…
No. On Monday, January 7, Jonathan Frieman will be paying $478 for the chance to test out his argument that if corporations are "people," he ought to be able to carpool with one. Actually, the $478 is how much he'll…
Surprisingly, a man convicted of murdering his entire family has lost his bid for a new trial despite his argument that defense counsel's conduct was so "public and obnoxious" it hurt his case. This already weak argument (see Jerry Sandusky's…
Those of you who study the human mind looking for explanations, let me know when you give up and let's all go have a drink. Anders Breivik, who, you may recall, killed 77 people in a horrific massacre in Norway…
It could be illegal too.
I don't know much about employment law, but I do know this: If you're the captain of a cruise ship and this happens: … you probably can't complain too much about getting fired. Which has not stopped the ex-captain of…
According to KOMO in Des Moines (via Boing Boing), Joshua Pinney walked into a Bank of America branch there on June 26, said he needed a new debit card and explained his utter lack of resemblance to the picture on his ID…
The State of Florida offered this argument in a brief filed last week: Given the small percentage of the population [about 5%] that is licensed to carry a concealed firearm, the overwhelming majority of firearms, or 95%, are not licensed…