Brilliant Arguments

UPDATE: No, You Can’t Carpool With a Corporation

In a development that shocked no one, including him, Jonathan Frieman did not prevail yesterday in Marin County Superior Court. As I mentioned earlier, Frieman argues that he was not "alone" in his car when using the carpool-only lane, for…

Can You Carpool With a Corporation?

No. On Monday, January 7, Jonathan Frieman will be paying $478 for the chance to test out his argument that if corporations are "people," he ought to be able to carpool with one. Actually, the $478 is how much he'll…

Bad Disguise #6: Amateurishly Bandaged Accident Victim

According to KOMO in Des Moines (via Boing Boing), Joshua Pinney walked into a Bank of America branch there on June 26, said he needed a new debit card and explained his utter lack of resemblance to the picture on his ID…