Brilliant Arguments

Man Sues Couple He Kidnapped

“The couple gained [their kidnapper’s] trust by eating Cheetos and drinking Dr. Pepper with him while watching the movie ‘Patch Adams.'” Then, they violated that trust.

Police Skeptical of Suspect’s Claim to Be Invisible

Here's some free advice. If you find yourself telling someone that you are "invisible" and "unstoppable," and the person you are telling that to is a police officer, you are neither one of those things. I guess that's really all there…

Dismissal of “Bad Mothering” Lawsuit Affirmed

Ladies and gentlemen, over the years we have seen some horrifying examples of man's inhumanity to man. Also man's inhumanity to woman, woman's inhumanity to man, and woman's inhumanity to woman, plus at least some examples of man's inhumanity to…

Court: No, One Person Can’t Be a “Partnership”

I’m a strong believer that in legal writing, an introduction should pretty much tell you everything you need to know. This one does. The parties to this appeal, a partnership dispute, agree on one issue. They want us to assume…

Label Puzzler: Original Recipe AND New Flavor?

The Consumerist is concerned that reading this label might trap a consumer's mind in an infinite logic loop (those who have had trouble with other labels are urged to look away), and/or that a consumer opening the box might find…

Lawsuit Demands End to Use of Term “Inmate”

According to the New York Post, a new lawsuit demands that the state stop using the word "inmate" because it is offensive to inmates the imprisoned the involuntarily freedom-challenged. Or, at least, the plaintiff demands that the state stop referring to…