Brilliant Arguments

A New Contender for Worst Legal Brief

In considering whether something could be the "worst legal brief" ever filed, we have to recognize that there are different kinds of badness. Many briefs are filed every year by people who are, evidently, insane. If it is fair to…

Teeth Are Not “Dangerous Weapons,” Says Oregon Court

Oregon has joined those jurisdictions holding that teeth are not "dangerous weapons" for purposes of a statute that enhances punishment for crimes in which they are employed. The defendant had employed said teeth Mike-Tyson-style to detach part of his neighbor's…

Woman Sues Adidas After Fall She Blames on Sticky Shoes

Please be advised that certain new shoes may pose a tripping hazard, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday against Adidas. The Chicago Sun-Times reports (via the ABA Journal) that a woman is alleging she was injured in 2010 because her…

Please, Lord, Let Joe Francis Represent Himself at Trial

If I remember correctly, Joe Francis, the "brains" behind "Girls Gone Wild" and sleazemaster extraordinaire, has been mentioned here before. <Google search> "Girls Gone Wild" Founder Says Judge Has Gone Wild in Suit Filed by Girls Who Had Previously Gone…

Judge Rules Pizza Slice Is a “Solid Object”

A Pennsylvania statute provides: Whoever intentionally throws, shoots, drops or causes to be propelled any solid object, from an overpass or any other location adjacent to or on a roadway, onto or toward said roadway shall be guilty of a…

Prosecutors Taking a Second Look at the Red Bull Defense

It appears that prosecutors in Pinellas County, Florida, may have changed their minds about accepting the Red Bull defense being asserted by Stephen Coffeen. As you may recall, Coffeen is the gentleman claiming that a combination of sleep deprivation and…

“Twilight” Fan Admits She Lied About Vampire Attack

One more tale of forbidden love and then we say farewell to Valentine's Day for another year. According to Florida police, a 15-year-old girl has admitted she was not attacked and bitten while she was jogging, as she initially told…

Man Points Finger at Brain in Parking-Rage Incident

A British man who attacked a car with an axe and then set fire to it blamed his brain for the incident, according to a January 27 report in the Herald Express. The brain's alleged involvement was especially surprising because the…